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English towards A2 in VET

Present Simple - Review

Hello! In this activity we will review Present Simple!
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Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
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Task no.2
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Do the exercise at this link - https://www.tuttoinglese.it/present-simple-affirmative-4.html!Make than a screenshot and add it in the box underneath.Thank you again!
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Task no.3
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Do this exercise, and write the solution in the box underneath.Make the following sentences both negative and interrogative
  1. Gordon plays the guitar.NEGINT
  2. Your cousins live near Victoria station.NEGINT
  3. Their computer works well.NEGINT
  4. Julie Andrews is a good actress.NEGINT
  5. Your grandparents drink tea in the afternoon.NEGINT
  6. Her father plays tennis on Mondays.NEGINT
  7. Their best friend goes to school by bus.NEGINT
  8. Your brother comes to dinner every day.NEGINT
  9. Her son plays the piano.NEGINT
  10. Mark washes his hair every morning.NEGINT
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