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The second secret:The wireless telephone

The second secret:The wireless telephone

Let’s go to Piazza Maggiore, below the Palazzo del Podestà. There is a Vault called “Voltone del Podestà”, under the Arengo tower, famous not only because of its beauty but also because of its extraordinary architecture. The ancient masters were able to create a “wireless phone“, which allows you to communicate from one corner to another of the vault. The explanation for this phenomenon? This channel with a so short distance of communication had been concocted in medieval times to confess lepers.

Task no.1
Evidence verified by: one activity member
Create a pair or two small groups. Find the corners that ‘communicate’ between each other and use the connection to say a phrase or a word to the other person/group. Be careful to not speak at the same time.
Write here your phrase/word, indicating also the name of the group/person to whom you address it.
Ex. To David: I wish I could eat your lunch.
Listen to the message said by the other group/person and write it here, indicating the speaker.
Ex. Yellow group: To be honest, our favourite colour is blue.

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#use different communication channels
#team building
#cultural history
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