A short playlist that brings attention to getting prepared for an internship/studies abroad. Reflecting about your motivations, expectations, or how to prepare your bag.
Suoritettavat aktiviteetit
Suorita seuraavat toimet, ansaitse merkkejä ja näet soittolistan edistymisen päivitettynä
This activity will help you to prepare for your mobility project and respond to most important questions: What to put in your suitcase? Is one suitcase enough? And, most importantly, should I bring instant noodles with me?
Hanki aktiviteetti-merkki
Sinun täytyy suorittaa loppuun kaikki tehtävät saadaksesi merkin
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
What should you pack?
Immagine you were chosen for an internship in a small agriculture company in Norway. You are going to spend there the whole summer. The company is a family business, it is 50km far from the nearest town. You have to choose 3 objects from the list that you can bring with you. Think about why would you choose these objects in particular? Are you sure you have given it enough thought? Did you choose things that will be useful during your mobility? Here's the list:
- sunscreen,
- working shoes,
- working clothes,
- working gloves,
- 10 packs of instant noodles,
- PC,
- elegant clothes,
- coffee machine,
- Norwegian language books,
- gifts for my hosting company.
Please write which objects would you choose and explain why.
Vastauksen vahvistanut: Yksi aktiviteetin järjestäjä
Who would you like to be during your mobility experience?
Your suitcase shouldn't be composed of objects only. Think about attitudes you would like to bring with you in order to have the best experience possible. Write the ones from the list that speak to you the most, and if you have anything else in mind, add it. Transcribe your list on a post-it card and attach it somewhere you can see it and reflect about it from time to time.
- sense of freedom,
- following rules,
- respect for other people and different cultures,
- curiosity,
- self-awareness,
- spirit of adaptation,
- courage,
- flexibility,
- being a leader,
- open-mindedness,
- being careful,
- being careless,
- being serious,
- being cheerful,
- being precise and always on time
- being a group player,
- independence.