We live in weird, unexpected times... almost crazy. We have all seen great changes around us and within us. Whatever you may think, the Coronavirus pandemic has revolutionized our lives. We are a little curious, a little afraid but this is the new "normality". The processes in the world of work or Erasmus+ exchanges have also changed. New challenges were introduced, new skills must necessarily be developed and acquired. At the core of these new challenges stands smart working seasoned with cross-cultural work, i.e. in collaboration with workers from all over the world, typical of a globalised world where markets have many connections between different countries.It is therefore necessary to become the master of your own resources, invest in them and train oneself ad hoc: work toward a specific goal and not only towards occupying your working schedule with a critical spirit, willpower, flexibility, willingness to overcome critical issues and, above all, to be able to get out of one's comfort zone.That's how we conceived this playlist, a series of missions-activities to guide you through this new Virtual Mobility challenge.Ready, set, go…!
Activities to complete
Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
Beautiful landscapes, amazing culinary delicacies, fashion, arts and history, culture, and La Dolce Vita… Italy — the enchanting country — has it all! For ages the Bel Paese has been a destination everybody longs for, a wish of tourists and travelers all over the world, and a gem that poets and artists described and mentioned in their creations.
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Beautiful landscapes, amazing culinary delicacies, fashion, arts and history, culture, and La Dolce Vita… Italy — the enchanting country — has it all! For ages the Bel Paese has been a destination everybody longs for, a wish of tourists and travelers all over the world, and a gem that poets and artists described and mentioned in their creations.
You have to finish 1 task to get the badge
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Below we present you some of the regional cities in Emilia Romagna:
https://www.uniserworld.net/whats-and-wheres-forli-italy/ - Forlìhttps://www.uniserworld.net/what-where-bologna/ - Bolognahttps://www.uniserworld.net/whats-and-wheres-ravenna-italy/ - Ravennahttps://www.uniserworld.net/what-and-where-is-cesena/ - Cesenahttps://www.uniserworld.net/whats-and-wheres-faenza-italy/ - Faenza
Read the articles and answer the following questions:
- What is the name of Forlì’s main square?
- Why is the university of Bologna famous?
- What is Ravenna most known for?
- Cesena has the oldest library in Europe. How is it called?
- Faenza is known as the capital of…?
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
You will have to insert in the map of Italy the places of interest and important landmarks. The map is shared with the whole group. You have to complete it by inserting addresses, photos, some interesting information about the places and useful links. You are working individually, but you create the map together! It has to be ready and contain at least 100 points of interest before the final evaluation meeting.Link to the map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1k22pAUFK3HYOQ4UAnySklGlETBFDKz_f&usp=sharing