“Not all those who wander are lost”, Tolkien used to say. Humans are explorers, wanderers by nature and we usually feel great when we discover new places.Travelling enables you to look at the world in a different way, it helps you to grow up. You might have got to your Erasmus destination without knowing anything about the new city or culture you’re about to dive into. But..we got you: listen, taste, smell, look up over and all around you. Sit down, take breaks, drink and eat and of course even get a little lost on purpose in the enchanting and welcoming city of Bologna or as the locals usually call it: the erudite, the fat and the red.
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Bologna’s sound isn’t just about music…Many prestigious brands of sports cars and motorbikes are born in Emilia-Romagna region. Even if you’re not a fan of loud engines and you don’t fall in love with the sound of horsepower under the hood, you’ll still get fascinated by the amazing and rich story of motorization hidden along the Emilia-Romagna Motor Valley.
Fasten your seatbelts!
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Bologna’s sound isn’t just about music…
Many prestigious brands of sports cars and motorbikes are born in Emilia-Romagna region. Even if you’re not a fan of loud engines and you don’t fall in love with the sound of horsepower under the hood, you’ll still get fascinated by the amazing and rich story of motorization hidden along the Emilia-Romagna Motor Valley.Fasten your seatbelts!
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Do you have any idea about how interesting the story of Enzo Ferrari is? Watch the video “The amazing story of Ferrari” by clicking in the link belowhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hDWl9ysmmo Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
What has surprised you the most about Enzo Ferrari’s life or about the Ferrari brand? Evidence verified by: self-approved
Lamborghini hasn’t always been about sports cars… Do you know what the first creations of Lamborghini were about? Watch the video “The unbelievable story of Lamborghini” by clicking in the link below:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5p4sAkjLSI
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What has surprised you the most about the story of Lamborghini’s life/brand?
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Now that you know more about the story of Ferrari and Lamborghini, it’s time to learn more about their rivalry. Read the article “The epic story behind Ferrari and Lamborghini Rivalry” by clicking this link: https://www.thevintagenews.com/2016/06/23/story-behind-ferrari-lamborghinis-rivalry/
Did you read it? What has surprised you the most in this article? Are you team Ferrari or team Lamborghini?;)
Bologna, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy