“Not all those who wander are lost”, Tolkien used to say. Humans are explorers, wanderers by nature and we usually feel great when we discover new places.Travelling enables you to look at the world in a different way, it helps you to grow up. You might have got to your Erasmus destination without knowing anything about the new city or culture you’re about to dive into. But..we got you: listen, taste, smell, look up over and all around you. Sit down, take breaks, drink and eat and of course even get a little lost on purpose in the enchanting and welcoming city of Bologna or as the locals usually call it: the erudite, the fat and the red.
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“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” (Plato)They say music is fundamental in everyday life. Music unites, restores, cheers you up, amazes, accompanies, calms and contributes to creating traditions and cultural background belonging to a people, a city or a nation.
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“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” (Plato)They say music is fundamental in everyday life. Music unites, restores, cheers you up, amazes, accompanies, calms and contributes to creating traditions and cultural background belonging to a people, a city or a nation.
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Here are the best music artists of the city of Bologna selected for you:Lucio DallaRaffaella CarràCesare CremoniniFrancesco GucciniLuca CarboniCristina D’avena
Listen to the musicListen to their famous songs on youtube or Spotify, choose the one you like the most and search for the lyrics
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Grasp the ItalianWhich song did you choose? Write down the title and 5 words in Italian you understand and check their meaning.
Bologna, Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy