“Not all those who wander are lost”, Tolkien used to say. Humans are explorers, wanderers by nature and we usually feel great when we discover new places.Travelling enables you to look at the world in a different way, it helps you to grow up. You might have got to your Erasmus destination without knowing anything about the new city or culture you’re about to dive into. But..we got you: listen, taste, smell, look up over and all around you. Sit down, take breaks, drink and eat and of course even get a little lost on purpose in the enchanting and welcoming city of Bologna or as the locals usually call it: the erudite, the fat and the red.
Activities to complete
Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
Watch the video about Bologna’s food inheritance.You're already mouth-watering, aren’t you?Now, are you ready to catch the essence of Bologna culture through food with a challenging but tasty recipe? In this city, the union between tortellini and broth is so close that you can’t imagine one without the other. Tortellini are a type of stuffed egg pasta typical of the Emilia Romagna tradition. With the shape of a small navel, the best tortellini are handmade and served with meat broth.But now .. "hands in the dough"!
Home cooking adventure: “mani in pasta” for advanced cooks Get this badge
Watch the video about Bologna’s food inheritance.You're already mouth-watering, aren’t you?Now, are you ready to catch the essence of Bologna culture through food with a challenging but tasty recipe? In this city, the union between tortellini and broth is so close that you can’t imagine one without the other. Tortellini are a type of stuffed egg pasta typical of the Emilia Romagna tradition. With the shape of a small navel, the best tortellini are handmade and served with meat broth.But now .. "hands in the dough"!
Jums jāpabeidz 1 uzdevums, lai iegūtu nozīmīti
Task no.1
Evidence verified by: self-approved
GET THE INGREDIENTSHere is the traditional recipe of Nonna Cesira, one of the best pasta factories in Bologna, a laboratory that has been in operation for three generations which preserves a long family tradition of Bolognese tortellini in broth:The pastry:3 eggs300 g. of flourThe stuffing:300 g. pork loin browned with butter300 g. raw ham300 g. of real mortadella from Bologna400 g. of Parmigiano Reggiano cheese3 eggs1 nutmeg
Task no.2
Evidence verified by: self-approved
PREPARE THE TORTELLINIMake a hole in the center of the flour, pour the eggs into it and start beating with a fork, gradually incorporating the flour. Knead the dough for about ten minutes and leave to rest. Meanwhile, prepare the stuffing: chop the meat very finely and add the eggs, the Parmigiano Reggiano cheese and the nutmeg, and leave to rest for at least 12 hours in the fridge. Roll out the dough on a wooden cutting board with a rolling pin until it is very thin. Cut squares of about 3 centimeters on each side and place a nut of filling on each square. Fold the pasta into a triangle by matching the sides, and wrap the triangle around your finger. Overlapping the two opposite corners, press the tortellino so that the pasta sticks firmly. Cook the tortellini in broth, leave them on for two minutes and serve them.
Task no.3
Evidence verified by: self-approved
MAKE A PICTURE of your homemade "tortellini" and upload it here
Task no.4
Evidence verified by: self-approved
GIVE YOURSELF A TREATNow, let’s head to one of the best and cheapest places to try them in the city centre:the Osteria dell’Orsa. Get ready to find a long queue, but after tasting a bowl of tortellini, it will be worth it and you can really understand how you coped with your homemade tortellini.
#cucinare seguendo le indicazioni sulle porzioni standard
#use dialect
#musical genres
#cucinare la carne
#modern languages
#vehicle manufacturing process
#prepare pasta
#watch video and motion picture production products
Activities: 6
Started: 6
Completed playlist: 0
Time to complete: 7 hours 30 minutes
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