We live in weird, unexpected times... almost crazy. We have all seen great changes around us and within us. Whatever you may think, the Coronavirus pandemic has revolutionized our lives. We are a little curious, a little afraid but this is the new "normality". The processes in the world of work or Erasmus+ exchanges have also changed. New challenges were introduced, new skills must necessarily be developed and acquired. At the core of these new challenges stands smart working seasoned with cross-cultural work, i.e. in collaboration with workers from all over the world, typical of a globalised world where markets have many connections between different countries.It is therefore necessary to become the master of your own resources, invest in them and train oneself ad hoc: work toward a specific goal and not only towards occupying your working schedule with a critical spirit, willpower, flexibility, willingness to overcome critical issues and, above all, to be able to get out of one's comfort zone.That's how we conceived this playlist, a series of missions-activities to guide you through this new Virtual Mobility challenge.Ready, set, go…!
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Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
You're having a weird but unprecedented experience, we know. How much would we have liked to hear you speak a few words in Italian or even try out our local dialect- “Romagnolo”. Even if physically you are not here with us, we would still like to give you a taste of how colourful and interesting the linguistic varieties of Italian can be.
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Emilia Romagna and Italy: crossroad of people and languages Get this badge
You're having a weird but unprecedented experience, we know. How much would we have liked to hear you speak a few words in Italian or even try out our local dialect - romagnolo. Even if physically you are not here with us, we would still like to give you a taste of how colorful and interesting the linguistic varieties of Italian can be.
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Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Now let’s get to the region Emilia Romagna! Below you can find some interesting articles to read about Emilia Romagna. Choose one that is closest to your interests and read it. Which one did you choose? Write 3 things you’ve learnt from the chosen article.
https://emiliaromagnaturismo.it/en/motor-valley - Emilia Romagna’s passion for engineshttps://emiliaromagnaturismo.it/en/food-valley - Emilia Romagna’s cuisinehttps://emiliaromagnaturismo.it/en/art-culture - Emilia Romagna’s art and culture
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Emilia Romagna is a region characterized by different facets, by a cultural diversity that is given by both the geographical position and the two territorial entities that make up the region as a whole, Emilia and Romagna.
Watch the video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6iVcMmHOIM) and answer to the following questions about the main cities of Emilia Romagna Region:
- What is the name of the longest river in Italy that flows through Emilia Romagna?
- Which sea baths Emilia Romagna?
- The city of Parma is famous for which culinary excellences?
- The city of Modena is famous for which culinary excellence?
- What’s in your opinion ‘ragù’ and where usually the Emilia Romagnoli people are used to use it?
- What can you visit in Ferrara?
- What is the city of Ravenna famous for?
- If I want to go to the sea, which city can I go to?
- An important filmmaker was born in Rimini, who was it?
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Italy’s language is not the same everywhere. Just in the Emilia-Romagna region there are two main dialects: romagnolo and emiliano. Watch the following video about dialects in Italy and answer the questions:
- Which dialect is recognized to be the root of the Italian language?
- Which regional language of Italy has the largest number of speakers?
- List at least five regional languages of Italy.
- How to say ‘I have to brothers and three sisters’ in standard Italian? How to say it in Neapolitan? Which language is the ‘to have’ verb based on in Neapolitan?
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Now having all this information about Italy’s regional languages and dialect, reflect on your own country and answer the following questions.
- Is there a particular dialect in your region? By whom is it spoken? Only by elderly or by the young people too?
- List the dialects and regional languages of your country that you’ve heard of. Which regions use them?
- Do you use any dialects or regional languages? In what situations?
Доказательства проверены: Один организатор мероприятия
Create a short presentation about your native region: how many inhabitants does it have, the cities, typical local products and other curiosities. You can use text, photos, videos etc. Upload your work here.Remember that you will probably introduce it to your companions during one of the monitoring meetings.
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