We live in weird, unexpected times... almost crazy. We have all seen great changes around us and within us. Whatever you may think, the Coronavirus pandemic has revolutionized our lives. We are a little curious, a little afraid but this is the new "normality". The processes in the world of work or Erasmus+ exchanges have also changed. New challenges were introduced, new skills must necessarily be developed and acquired. At the core of these new challenges stands smart working seasoned with cross-cultural work, i.e. in collaboration with workers from all over the world, typical of a globalised world where markets have many connections between different countries.It is therefore necessary to become the master of your own resources, invest in them and train oneself ad hoc: work toward a specific goal and not only towards occupying your working schedule with a critical spirit, willpower, flexibility, willingness to overcome critical issues and, above all, to be able to get out of one's comfort zone.That's how we conceived this playlist, a series of missions-activities to guide you through this new Virtual Mobility challenge.Ready, set, go…!
Activities to complete
Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
Developing transversal skills such as "critical sense" helps in countless fields of life, trains you as a person and helps you to improve not only your present or future work but also your approach to the world. While you are walking in the streets, taking a coffee in a bar or queuing at the supermarket, or simply at home and on the internet… always keep an eye on flyers, posters or other graphic works in your city around you. Then look on the internet for Italian graphic pieces of work.
Get activity badge
Developing transversal skills such as "critical sense" helps in countless fields of life, trains you as a person and helps you to improve not only your present or future work but also your approach to the world. While you are walking in the streets, taking a coffee in a bar or queuing at the supermarket, or simply at home and on the internet… always keep an eye on flyers, posters or other graphic works in your city around you. Then look on the internet for Italian graphic pieces of work.
You have to finish 1 task to get the badge
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Upload the picture of three examples of graphic design (for example: flyers, posters, t-shirt designs, concept art) around you that attract your attention the most.
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Choose your favorite piece of work among the three and make an assessment about it using your professional skills. Post your evaluation in a text comment of minimum 200 characters.
Here are some questions that might be useful for your evaluation:
- What’s the name, year and country of creation of the work?
- Tell us something about the author (if known)
- What do you like or don’t like about it?
- Which techniques are mainly used?
- What’s the historical and social context of the work?
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
Do you have your favorite graphic designer? Upload his/her work here, describe it and explain your choice.
Budapest, Hungary