We live in weird, unexpected times... almost crazy. We have all seen great changes around us and within us. Whatever you may think, the Coronavirus pandemic has revolutionized our lives. We are a little curious, a little afraid but this is the new "normality". The processes in the world of work or Erasmus+ exchanges have also changed. New challenges were introduced, new skills must necessarily be developed and acquired. At the core of these new challenges stands smart working seasoned with cross-cultural work, i.e. in collaboration with workers from all over the world, typical of a globalised world where markets have many connections between different countries.It is therefore necessary to become the master of your own resources, invest in them and train oneself ad hoc: work toward a specific goal and not only towards occupying your working schedule with a critical spirit, willpower, flexibility, willingness to overcome critical issues and, above all, to be able to get out of one's comfort zone.That's how we conceived this playlist, a series of missions-activities to guide you through this new Virtual Mobility challenge.Ready, set, go…!
Activities to complete
Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated
We have perhaps learned to pack a suitcase before going on a trip: how many pairs of shoes to bring, whether to bring this or that hoodie and how many pairs of socks to have with us. Whether to bring an umbrella rather than a waterproof jacket… But are we really sure we know how to prepare our own imaginary personal luggage before starting this new experience from our home and our country, no less full of adventure and challenges? Here are some activities to help you and be ready to face it in the best way possible.
Get activity badge
We have perhaps learned to pack a suitcase before going on a trip: how many pairs of shoes to bring, whether to bring this or that hoodie and how many pairs of socks to have with us. Whether to bring an umbrella rather than a waterproof jacket… But are we really sure we know how to prepare our own imaginary personal luggage before starting this new experience from our home and our country, no less full of adventure and challenges? Here are some activities to help you and be ready to face it in the best way possible.
You have to finish 1 task to get the badge
Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
How to prepare your suitcase for a virtual mobility internship? Fill the suitcase with the items you think you will need during this online journey, leave at home what you won’t need “to bring with you”.https://learningapps.org/watch?v=pi9oz5vwa20 Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
"Dear future self”Write a letter to your future self (you can use https://www.futureme.org/ to do that), putting the date of the end of the virtual mobility as “deliver in”. During your first days of virtual mobility you should pretend to be already at the end of it and explain what challenges you might have found, how you have coped with them, which fears or expectations you might have had or encountered all along your journey, why have you decided to participate in this?N.B. some of the letters will be read and shared (if you want) during the final evaluation meeting. Put your letter into your personal Google Drive folder. Evidence verified by: one activity organiser
My life journey: PAST-PRESENT-FUTURE - upload 3 images representing who you are:
- The first image should represent your past (recent or distant).
- The second your present (trying to enhance the experience of virtual mobility).
- The third one should represent your future, as you see yourself in a few years time, at work and at personal level.
NB: You will present your work at the first monitoring meeting to introduce yourself better to you companions.
Budapest, Hungary